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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More Than 100 Students Caught in Drug Bust at San Diego State University

Parents, wake up! Students are dealing and selling drugs at the schools, posh universities your sons and daughters are attending. Before sending them off, give them advice. Make sure they stay away from this epidemic. Federal authorities conducting an investigation after two students were found dead with an overdose at San Diego State University busted more than 75 students who were openly dealing and selling drugs on campus. One of them was going to graduate with a degree in criminology and homeland security. He was busted and asked about his chance of working for the federal agency. The answer was obvious: no.

"Dozens of San Diego State University students were arrested after a sweeping drug investigation found that some fraternity members openly dealt drugs and one even sent a mass text message advertising cocaine, authorities said Tuesday.

Two kilograms of cocaine were seized, along with 350 Ecstasy pills, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, hash oil, methamphetamine, illicit prescription drugs, several guns and at least $60,000 in cash, authorities said.

Of the 96 people arrested, 75 were students. Eighteen of the students were arrested Tuesday when nine search warrants were executed at various locations including fraternities, said Jesse Rodriguez, San Diego County assistant district attorney.

The undercover probe, dubbed Operation Sudden Fall, was sparked by the cocaine overdose death of a student in May 2007, authorities said. As the investigation continued, another student, from Mesa College, died Feb. 26 of a cocaine overdose at an SDSU fraternity house, the DEA said.

Those arrested included a student who was about to receive a criminal justice degree and another who was to receive a master's degree in homeland security.

"A sad commentary is that when one of these individuals was arrested, they inquired as (to) whether or not his arrest and incarceration would have an effect on him becoming a federal law enforcement officer," said Ralph Partridge, special agent in charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in San Diego."

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

eCollege via LiveTutorUniversity: Blackboard makes Teaching Possible

More and more parents are tapping into a new kind of resources for their kids. They are turning to e-tutoring, online tutoring or Internet tutoring. They do not mind about the eye-to-eye contact that their children miss. In the comfort of their homes, they can access their highly educated teachers or tutors through the use of their computer, a headset and a microphone. They see online tutoring as a way to get high-quality instruction at a lower cost. That is exactly the types of services that Live Tutor Online University has been offering. Just like other tutoring companies such as Fremont-based Growing Stars, Chicago-based Mindspring online education firm, New York-based Brainfuse, students can come from anywhere in the United States and the world. LiveTutorOnline University has been offering its services to individuals as well as businesses in the areas of tutoring, translating, interpreting and referrals to interpreters and translators of other foreign languages.

With the No Child Left Behind law, good tutoring and good public schools should be available to every student, regardless of the family's income. This is where LiveTutorOnline University becomes handy. According to its founder, the company hires or refers clients (grade students, college and/or university students and businesses) to expert tutors and teachers with Bachelor's degrees and Master's degrees. Each one of them has an expertise in a special category and specially hard science such as Math and Science. They also help translate and interpret. For sure, lack of face-to-face instruction is not a problem any longer. Live tutors from Livetutoronline University offer an invaluable service to parents who work two jobs and have no way of helping their kids complete their homework. They also help students who want to edit their work. They are very flexible.

Hispanics Are A Boom in College Education according to Datamark and Latinolandia

Hispanic markets an "untapped" gold mine for
post-secondary schools

Post-secondary schools should be very interested in
Hispanic growth trends. According to the latest U.S.
census, 35 percent of Hispanics are under 18, compared
to only 25 percent of non-Hispanic whites. One in five
U.S. children under 18 is Hispanic. In addition,
Hispanics account for about half the growth in the
United States since 2000, primarily due to higher
birth rates.

Nearly half of Hispanics are high school graduates or
have some college, versus about 56 percent of
non-Hispanics. In a nutshell, Hispanics comprise a
prime target audience for post-secondary schools.

Schools should also be aware that Hispanic growth is
nationwide and not only concentrated in places such as
California, New York and Florida. For example, there
are more Hispanics in Cook County, Chicago, than in
Arizona or New Mexico.

According to LatinoLandia USA President, Joseph
Albonetti, even though most school-age Hispanics
become proficient in English, it is still important
for companies to reach out to them in Spanish. "No
matter if their heritage is Mexican, Colombian, Cuban
or Puerto Rican, Latinos generally maintain very close
ties to their families and their culture," Albonetti

"About two-thirds of Hispanics prefer Spanish at
home," he adds, "although most speak English at work
or school. Hispanics are more receptive to marketing
materials in Spanish or bilingual, because they see
information written and targeted to them in Spanish as
showing respect. They share it with their families,
who always influence important decisions."

LatinoLandia USA® is an industry leader in strategic
marketing to diverse groups comprising the U.S.
Hispanic market, developing award-winning Hispanic
marketing plans nationally. Their clients include Del
Taco and the Los Angeles Angels major league baseball
team. To better assist its school clients in
recruiting Latino students, Datamark has joined in an
exclusive agreement with LatinoLandia USA.

Success in Hispanic marketing requires intimate
knowledge of Spanish cultures and U.S. markets.
LatinoLandia USA's seasoned staff are experts at
integrating culturally relevant programs in print,
radio, TV, interactive, direct mail, public relations
and even grassroots promotional events.

The Datamark/LatinoLandia USA partnership combines the
strengths of both industry leaders to assure schools
stay competitive and meet the needs and demands of
Hispanic education markets.

Wild Spring Break Memories

Spring Break University: Post-Rental Memories & Lessons 101

Spring break evokes fun-filled nights and days by young men and women coming from very far to change the rhythm of a sleepy beach town. Writing about spring break usually brings forth the major spring break destinations such as Florida, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Daytona Beach, Jamaica and other Caribbean hot spots. What many rental properties have not shared with the public is the amount of money and repairs that go on after the wild beer-laden and overcrowded parties are over. To get an idea of what went on at these rental houses, condos and hotel rooms, we have been talking to those who clean all the mess up. Yes, the cleaning people have a few good points to make about Spring Break. For them, it is not all fun. Many homeowners and rental managers end up losing sleep over the conditions in which their house is found.

It is not uncommon to spend thousands of dollar to repair some of these fancy beach houses. Anything that is supposed to go wrong can go wrong during these days where young men and women roam the beaches searching for the next alcohol fix and fun. If you leave a furnished house, you may find it empty with holes in the walls, towel racks yanked loose, cigarette burns, broken chairs, tables and plates. The bad part can be overflowing toilets. So real estate agents and housekeepers know that some slobs that live among us, the rest of human species. These people can turn your stomach due to their pools of vomit and antics of hiding blood-soaked towels, pillow in closet and between mattresses, tacking condoms on the wall, stacking every stick of furniture, ripping a ceiling fan down etc. Nights of alcohol have the distinct way of destroying rugs, busting doors and windows to say the least. Housekeepers clean puke in the porches and sinks. They have to clean up the garbage disposal and the refrigerator that is full with rotten foods and pizzas. Every Summer, beach towns all over the US, Mexico and Jamaica have to deal with Junebugs, these college and high school students who come to have fun. Yes, they bring the money, but the damage they cause can be huge. Owners are always surprised to see what these kids can do. They leave maggot-filled meat on the table and the counters. They also used feminine products in the restroom and bedroom. It is like a disaster area.

All Prom Celebrations: Goth Prom, Quincenera, Losers' Prom, SecondChance Prom, Alternate Prom

SecondChancePromRocks: You Did Not Go to Your High School Prom? No Problem! Second Chance Prom Night Rocks Everybody!

From the East Coast to the West Coast, a new phenomenon is bringing lots of joy to the faces of former high school graduates. With established careers, a few children, some grey hair, more responsibilities, more bills to pay, less constraints and more money to lavish on themselves, those who could not afford to go to the magical prom night gala are having a second chance to dress up, eat, be merry with friends and dance to all kinds of funky beats. Say welcome to Prom Night makeover! No, let us say welcome to Prom Night Part Deux. Indeed, many young men and women who passed up the opportunity to attend this rite-of-passage ceremony. After all, that is what prom night is all about. Good friendship. Good music with a super DJ. Good company. Lots of laughter. Love celebration. Good food, mostly catered food. Selection of a king and a queen. Great dresses and gowns. Great hair. Great style. The stretched limo and photographers all around. Dramatic and seasonal decors. Silver-foiled Hershey's kisses. Lots of Balloons and glass vases filled with expertly selected ornaments. Second Chance Prom Night is more inclusive. According to many participants, revelers are less uptight. The high school clique is over. Everyone is out there to have a good ole time. It is time to do over the prom night experience. If class reunions have taken place all the time, second chance prom appears to be more elegant and more upscale. Prom participants still get dressed for the occasion. They want to impress their loved ones who may be a girlfriend, boyfriend, husband and some children. Second Chance Prom is more like a huge block party among high school graduates who have become professionals and want to have fun at least once every other month.

If you did not have the opportunity to go to your high school prom with a special someone, Second Chance Prom gives you the opportunity to bring your loved one. For sure, you will not come alone. If you choose to come alone, you will find single friends to hang out with. It is more of an elaborate, upscale social where you can now drink and smoke. You can even dance to the songs that are usually banned on the high school dance floor. Second Chance Prom provides lots of fun. There is no chaperone to watch every single move you make. You are responsible for your own adult behavior. You can stay or linger around until the last beat of the music. All it takes to throw some second chance prom parties is to have some organizers and a way of contacting high school graduates. It does not matter whether the revelers attended different high schools. All that matters is whether you have to have a high-school-prom-like night in your current position at the present age. The reasoning is such that if Prom Night exercises such magic in young people's life, why should this good thing stop after high school? Why can it not continue in college and in life? The answers may be that you do not have time to have fun. That would be your downfall. Entertainment adds to your life expectancy. Entertainment with friends is a luxury elexir few can afford not to have. So the case for Second Chance Prom is strong. Who can reject sane and safe fun in the company of good friends (maybe old friends and foes) and great music in the age of iPods and wireless technology and digital cameras? Adults also need to have fun once in a while.

Get your Groove On: Great Shoes to Dance with and Fabulous Dresses and Gowns that even Eclipsed High school Prom Night

Prom fashion is also a very important part of the evening party. Now that the celebrants can afford it, they truly dress up for the occasion. It is normal to see tuxedos and suits, floor-length dresses and high heels. Indeed, the dresses and gowns cost more. Some women even choose to shop at bridals and wedding dress shops. They choose to spend on this prom gown as much as or even more than they spent on their wedding dresses. Second Chance Prom is also about economic and social status. It shows how long and how far this poor, skinny and brawny little girl has traveled. The jewelries are fine too. I observed more halter topped gowns which are embellished with embroidered beading. At the same time, nobody is going to look down on somebody who chooses to wear flip flops and dress less expensive on the night. Singles mingle with marrieds. Each one of them is in search of a good time. No wonder it is time to get the party started. The DJ's and waitresses' roles are to keep the party going. Among the playlist, you can find songs such as "Shout" by the Isley Brothers, "Dancing Queen" by Abba, "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry and "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake. There are a few numbers from the repertoire of Elvis Presley, 50 Cents, Shakira, some other hot Hip Hop demigods. Donned in a beautiful spaghetti-strapped candy apple yellow dress, this former school principal walks over to this young counselor who was wearing a mauve, strapless, floor-length gown with a full skirt. The principal chatted and laughed with the counselor who remembered how different her high school prom was. The principal noted the presence of the vice-principal among the crowd. With big smiles on their faces, they looked for the vice-principal's table.
Second Chance Prom Night is indeed more fun.

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Students Have Difficulty Finding Financial Aid as Tuition Rises

Colleges and Universities' Preferred-Lender Lists: Tuition Rises; Students' Loans Skyrocket

New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo is sending letters to colleges and universities from Boston to California. He wants to know about the nature of the relationships between colleges and universities and loan companies. The question to ask is whether these two entities are conspiring to push tuition costs to the point where education becones unaffordable to many young men and women. It is worth nothing that private student loans have become a very lucrative and fast-growing business over the years. All the while, tuition costs at many colleges and universities have soared. Who stands to benefit from the hidden relationships between Universities and Colleges and those loan companies? Until now, many families and students go to these centers of higher learning only to get taken advantage of.

NY Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo wants to know more details about the preferred-lender lists. Most colleges and universities compile these lists to offer to students. But nothing is said about the nature of the relationships between the school and the loan companies. What is in it for the schools? The Federal Education Department is thinking about regulating this side of the business. It is requesting more transparency. The students must know whether these institutions stand to make money in the deals. Private student loans may have their days counted. Mr. Cuomo has also demanded information from both loan companies and schools. "My office is seeking to ensure that students are being steered toward lenders offering the most competitive rates, not t hose who offer the best perks to schools of financial aid administrators," said Mr. Cuomo.

Education Loan Companies Are Getting Scarce: Education Loan Scandals, Andrew Cuomo and More Industry Issues

Wild West For-Profit Loan Companies and College Lending Scandal: Textbooks & College Tuitions Have Soared While College Debts Pile Up

The probe on student loans led by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo continues to search for the secrets held by the villains of the U.S. educational system. A large group of schools, colleges, and universities, for-profit loan companies and government officials have been implicated in this scandal that was enriching the coffers of a hidden small group of individuals. Thanks to Andrew Cuomo, parents will have a breather. The loan companies and their shark leaders will have to be revealed and stopped from sucking the blood of poor parents and students. Keep in mind that the student-loan industry is an $85 billion enterprise. No wonder that competition for students has become so ruthless over the years. These days, student loans business is not what parents used to have. The student loan companies that have established or held ongoing contracts with university's or college's financial aid offices have tried to keep others out. The companies that want to penetrate this rich industry started complaining to Congress, the U.S. department of Education and their Attorney General.

Thanks to Andrew Cuomo who listened to the plights of many parents and students, some loan companies have been put en garde. Attorney General Cuomo plans to sue Education Finance Partners, a California firm, which is alleged to have made illegal kickbacks to schools in exchange for placement on its "preferred lenders" list. The reason is that lenders on that list tend to get the bulk of the school's private loan traffic. So middle and lower-income students have been paying for or supporting student aid programs. They have also been giving lavish vacations to the directors of school's financial aid directors. Education Finance Partners wants to find a solution to the problems to keep more of its practices from being revealed to its customers, students. We are wondering why no other Attorney General has paid attention to this problem. Cuomo started the investigations into stock grants that were made to financial aid administrators at three well-known universities (Columbia, the University of Texas and the University of Southern California) by Education Lending Group. No wonder that its subsidiary, Student Loan Xpress was placed on each of these schools' "preferred Lenders" lists. The investigations even reached the U.S. Department of Education whose top official, Matteo Fontana, sold about 10,000 shares of stock in Student Loan Xpress a year ago. Mr. Fontana worked at Sallie Mae before joining the department.

Andrew Cuomo has been doing his homework. He talked to lenders who could not get into the market. Schools do not want them to join. They control the access to the students. They prevent the better products from being shown. There is a lack of competition. cozy arrangements between colleges and the companies that lend their students billions of dollars are far more widespread than even he anticipated. "It is like peeling an onion," he said. "It seems to be getting worse the more we uncover. It is more widespread than we originally thought. More schools and more lenders at the top end." So he is determined to investigate alleged kickbacks to school officials who steered students to certain lenders. His investigators have found numerous arrangements that benefit schools, financial aid officers and lenders at the expense of students. Many of these schools have set up "preferred Lenders" lists and entered into revenue sharing and other financial arrangements with those lenders. Some colleges have exclusive preferred lender agreements with the companies.

What are the schools and companies that were caught red handed?

So far, the university of Pennsylvania and New York University have agreed to reimburse students a total of $3.27 million for inflated loan prices caused by revenue sharing arrangements. Loan company, CIT Inc., placed three top executives at its Student Loan Xpress on paid leave. Sallie Mae which is the Nation's largest student loan provider will stop offering perks to college employees as part of a settlement. SLM Corp. or Sallie Mae agreed to pay $2 million into a fund to educate students and parents about the financial aid industry. So all expense-paid trips to exotic locations for college financial aid officers will stop. Maybe loan decisions will be made in the best interest of the students. Here is the list of those placed on leave: Matteo Fontana, official at the U.S. department of Education, Walter Cathie, assistant vice president for finance at Widener University in Pennsylvania, Timothy Lehmann, financial aid director at Capella University, a Minneapolis-based online school, Catherine Thomas, director of financial aid at the University of Southern California, Ellen Frishberg, director of student financial services at Johns Hopkins University, David Charlow, associate dean of student affairs at Columbia University, Robert deRose, vice chairman of Student Loan Xpress, Lawrence Burt, associate vice president and director of student financial aid at the University of Texas.

Prom Night No Nos: What to Avoid on Prom Nights

Prom Babies Are Scary Stories: Young Men and Women Should Avoid Casual Sex on Prom Night

From Florida to California and in all high schools in the country, there are some new stories being told among students, players, jocks and close friends. Prom babies are a new phenomenon. On Prom Night, parental supervision is lax. And some young men and women dressed in their best outfit for the occasion are up for some mischief.

When girls decide to get pregnant to avoid going to college, then it is a new low. Even though many of them were accepted by Ivy League schools, they are ready to deceive themselves and their parents. They are making decisions that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. The least time they can expect to be there for the resulting baby is 20 years. This phenomenon of prom babies is hard to understand by some parents who have sacrificed so much to raise their daughters and sons. We are not talking about the parents who let their teens spend the night in a hotel in a another town. We are not talking about those who let their daughters participate to mixed-gender sleepovers. For sure, prom night babies will be a very surprising event to parents who do all the right things only to get disappointed at a crucial time in their daughter's life.

Entering college should have been a fun time in anybody's life. The difference with these girls is that they want to trade a pen and backpack for a diaper bag when they can not even take care of their own needs. Trying to get pregnant near prom time so these girls would not have to dal with the pressures of going to college is inconceivable. For many girls all over the country, this is a new low in character and personality.

Prom Night Advice from Parents to Young Men and Women

Parents should try to talk clearly about the danger of premarital or casual sex with their teens. They will pay equal attention to both boys and girls. In the end, the boys will be as responsible as the girls. Mothers will need to communicate openly with their daughters. After all, mistakes committed on Prom Night last a long time.

The Central California School of Pharmacy Accredited for Credibility Seeks Students by 2010 for 2011 Grand Opening

The Central California School of Pharmacy Accredited for Credibility Seeks Students by 2010 for 2011 Grand Opening

Knowing that California is the state with the highest demand for pharmacists, a group led by a doctor wants to respond to the shortage of pharmacists in Central California. If that group has its way, Central California will have a school of pharmacy named The Central California School of Pharmacy.

The pharmacy school will be on the site of the former Unitarian Universalist church on Millbrook Avenue, south of Ashlan Avenue. It will train people to find jobs in the growing field of pharmacology. Being a pharmacist is a great career that offers potential starting earning of about $100,000 and more per year. There is a great need for pharmacists in this state. It can be explained by the expanding population, growth of new medications, discovery of new uses for existing medicines, broader insurance coverage and more supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores, according to various experts.

The other schools of pharmacology in California

The nearest other schools are at University of Pacific in Stockton, University of California at San Francisco School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy at University of Southern Nevada, Loma Linda Pharmacy school, Vallejo Pharmacy school, Pomona Pharmacy school, and the University of San Diego. Soon, there may be the California Northstate College of Pharmacy.

Dr. Michael Lynch and his associates need to raise more than $8 million. If you want to invest in this new venture, do not hesitate to contact him.

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